Sending xrp to trust wallet

sending xrp to trust wallet

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How to Withdraw XRP from Trust Wallet (Step by Step)
Exchange XRP to Trust Wallet Token (BEP2) instantly, without registration and hidden fees. Full automation, maximum speed and the best exchange rates! Im new to xrp I bought on uphold and transferred to Trust wallet, I haven't been able to move it around is it stuck on trust wallet now? Open the Trust Wallet app, and choose �Create a new wallet.� Select an option to back up your wallet. Once your wallet is set up, tap on �Start.
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Trust Wallet is available as a mobile app or you can get the Trust Wallet Extension for your desktop web browser. The Ripple protocol is an open-source protocol which allows fast and low-cost international money transfers. This allows you to self-custody your assets and have full control. While Ripple was able to get some stability with its choice of brand name, the company and two of its executives found themselves in unchartered territory when the United States Securities Exchange Commission SEC sued it in over allegations that it was using its XRP token, an unregistered security, to raise funds. Any transaction that follows the set protocol gets approved automatically.